7 things that are not worth talking MAN

Phrases that can ruin your relationship

It is believed that the man loves his eyes, and a woman - the ears; but the stronger sex is every bit as sensitive as a compliment, and a carelessly thrown phrases. We find out what things are best never to speak to the beloved.

1 - "Let me do it myself"
Even in the twenty-first century, when women seemed to have won the stronger sex all possible rights and opportunities as men still want to be the protectors, miners and hunters of mammoths. And let you hunt mammoths better than your lover, and even recently defended on this subject doctorate - do not hurry to show their superiority and attacked the man flow unsolicited advice: Hunter you thus unlikely to bring up,
but the thirst to perform feats otobet exactly .

2- " I'm tired of your friends!"
In your eyes, they may infantile slackers and loafers, but for your loved one is a faithful companions who know him almost from kindergarten, passed him the fire, water and copper pipes, not once rescued him from the most terrible troubles and always ready lean on, to go together to explore and to borrow money to pay. Declaring war on them, you will not only be unwise to act, but, unfortunately, the original setting yourself up for a loss - even if the favorite at your whim refuse to chat with friends, it's just he'll never be able to.

3 - "I'm so fat ..."
Let us be frank: this phrase translates it as "urgent, tell me what I'm beautiful!" So why not directly ask a loved one to make a compliment? Remember that men do not like (and usually do not understand) hints and take everything literally heard; so I ask, "Do not put on weight, I?" Be prepared to get discouraging honest answer - and do
not be offended if you do not like.

4 - "I TOLD YOU!"
Little is able to spoil relations so as compulsion to always be right. If the favorite, despite your advice, refused to low positions in vvyazyalsya deliberately failed project or decided on risky investments, and ultimately failed - resist the temptation to step on the sore spot. Believe me, the man is able to admit mistakes and learn from them, even if the feelings do not always allow him to say it out loud - it is not necessary each time to turn the slightest mistake into an occasion for a "debriefing" to homilies.

5 - "I do not care what they think your mother"
As friends, my mother - is sacred. For your loved one will always be among the most important and influential women, and even if the man allows himself to grumble against her that regularly join with her in debate, not in a hurry to actively support its attacks with indignation and even more so disrespectfully spoke of the nature of the mother in law, her way to farm, or - God forbid - to educate children (though, if only because you are in a relationship with the object of this training). Remember that from your wisdom and strategic skills depends largely on who will be the favorite mom for you - the patron or the number one enemy, and therefore in your best interest to preserve its credibility.

6 - "But my husband of my girlfriend ..."
Constantly comparing your own height, weight, career achievements, income, apartment size (underline) with foreign achievements, as if we're playing a game in which initially condemn ourselves to losing - firstly, because envy veiled eyes and prevents noticing own joy, and secondly because, jealous of other people's benefits from, we do not suspect any work, the risk of pain and the experience of hiding behind the beautiful facade of prosperity and abundance. In short, jealousy - a thing useless and destructive, including for the relationship with your beloved: just like someone else's grass always seems greener, other people's relationships tend to look more harmonious and gentle, and strange men - more caring, considerate and generous. However, the effect of such comparisons will disappoint you: pointing out what a neighbor bought a car and what an enviable position achieved husband girlfriend, you are unlikely to inspire a loved one, on the contrary - to force to abandon any attempt to surprise and delight you; what's the point if, despite your best efforts, you end up with will be able to find a flaw in any of his actions?

Decides on such a statement is in extremely rare cases - as well as at the door slamming, breaking dishes and other manipulative techniques on the verge of hysteria and Drama. The main thing - remember that the abuse can play with you a malicious joke: heard a tearful "You do not love me!" For the first time, a man eager rush to assure you otherwise; the second - it ignores cool, and the third will think - and perhaps you are right ..

things that are not worth talking MAN, Phrases that can ruin your relationship